Hot Liqueurs Posts

How To: Make a Banana Marble Drop cocktail

Baron Brunton and VideoJug demonstrate how to make a Banana Marble Drop cocktail. A simple, sweet cocktail, perfect to enjoy on a hot summer's day. This is a shaken cocktail. It is shaken to blend the ingredients together and then strain it into the glass to serve.

How To: Make a B-53 cocktail

A delicious cocktail layered with a multitude of flavors including vodka, coffee liqueur, and Baileys Irish cream liqueur. You will also need a shooter or shot glass and a bar spoon or teaspoon. This is NOT a type on a B-52 since a B-52 uses Grand Marnier not vodka. Make a B-53 cocktail.

How To: Make a Brain Shot cocktail

Laura Caddoo and VideoJug demonstrate how to make a Brain Shot cocktail -- a layered shooter, creamy and delicious. Southern Comfort, triple sec, and Baileys really do go together! Firstly take a shooter glass, and pour in 15 milliliters or a dash of triple sec. Using the back of a teaspoon, hold it to the edge of the glass. Then pour Baileys over the spoon - a dash or 15 milliliters. And follow this with a final dash of Southern Comfort. And there you have it. Your cocktail is now ready to b...

How To: Make a Banana Slip cocktail

Laura Caddoo and VideoJug demonstrate how to make a Banana Slip cocktail - a layered shooter, creamy and delicious. This decorative cocktail should make you sleep easier! Firstly take a shooter glass, and half fill it with banana liqueur approximately 25 milliliters. Using the back of a teaspoon, hold it to the edge of the glass. Using the back of a teaspoon, hold it to the edge of the glass. Then pour Baileys over the spoon until the glass is nearly full - a splash or 25 milliliters. Your co...

How To: Make coffee liqueur

Is it Saturday night, past 2am, and all you have left is some cheap vodka and milk left in the fridge? Have no fear, you can diversify your alcohol options easily! Learn how to make a Kahlua style coffee liqueur at home.

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